USC Dornsife Spatial Sciences Institute

GIS Applications Articles

4 Ways GIS Can Help Fight Drug Epidemics

According to statistics from the Centers of Disease Control, more than 115 Americans die each day from opioid overdoses. Additionally, the economic burden imposed by the abuse of prescription pain relievers and heroin adds up to $78.5 billion a year. As a result, the U.S. Department of Health and Human …

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The Evolution of GIS

The history of using geographic information to better understand and solve complex problems can be traced all the way back to the 19th century. In 1832, French geographer Charles Picquet used various color gradients on a map of Paris to represent the number of deaths by cholera, making an early …

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GIS in the Field of Public Health

In today’s increasingly data-driven healthcare systems, obtaining accurate information for analysis is a high priority. Doctors and nurses want to know as much as they can about the factors that affect each patient’s care, while administrators and public health officials need to keep an eye on population-level trends and maintain …

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How GIS and Big Data are Creating Big Change for the World

The big data trend has dramatically impacted every industry, so it is little surprise that big data in GIS has significant implications for how we acquire and leverage spatial information. As we consider the way organizations are using geographic information science and technology, one of the clearest themes is that …

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GIS and Cybersecurity

High-profile incidents like the Equifax data breach and WannaCry ransomware attack have ensured that cybersecurity is a top priority for organizations of all kinds. Retailers that process payments, hospitals entrusted with confidential patient information and local governments conducting elections are all highly conscious of the threats posed by phishing scams, …

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Top Companies Using GIS Technology

Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) can be used by businesses large and small for a variety of applications. Companies that use GIS technology today are those in industries ranging from supply chain management to insurance to urban planning, banking, and health – and much more. Climbing the Charts Using …

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The Application of GIS Technology for Nonprofit Organizations

With each passing year, Geographic Information Science (GIS) technology offers new insights for businesses and organizations. From using geospatial analytics to analyze crime, to the development of drones, GIS technology offers seemingly endless opportunities for growth and innovation. One of the key areas where GIS has become an invaluable resource …

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The Fundamentals of Cartography

At its core, cartography is about the visual representation of a space or place. While this may seem like a simple concept at first glance, it can become infinitely complex when you consider the number of choices that have to be made when creating a map. In addition, modern mapmakers …

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How GIS Has Evolved in the Digital Age

Digital cartography and GIS have had an impactful history in developing our understanding of the world; as GPS World editor Janice Partyka noted, some of the first digital maps were created by the U.S. Census Bureau, which used GIS and digital mapping to better understand population trends within specific Census …

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How Mapping Is Used by NASA & Applications of GIS in Space

When we think of the tools involved in exploring outer space, images of astronauts collecting mineral samples on the moon may come to mind. However, scientists also depend on more remote methods to deepen our knowledge of the solar system and the universe beyond, like those offered by geographic information …

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